We were told that veganism is boring. That vegan food is white, flavourless. Expensive. So, we started organizing community dinners not only to prove them wrong, but also to bring people together over a shared meal and conversations.
Four community dinners already took place under the theme Eat the Rainbow, where we cooked colour-themed food: green, red, yellow and pink! We met new and old customers, people who came only once or returned every time. We watched conversations unravel among people who met each other for the first time at a big table, we heard laughter, and we are happy to have witnessed this social dinner turning into a networking evening.
The project Eat the Rainbow is over, but we will continue inviting you all to our community dinners that will take place twice a month. We will serve vegan dinner, that will include a salad and a hot meal.
We are looking forward to seeing the same (and new!) faces and to providing you with a cozy and nourishing experience.